
FMF JoseRicardBanner 350x150 1

We are delighted that you are interested in contacting us. Whether you're considering donating, participating in our annual conference, or exploring partnership opportunities with FMFWV, we're here to provide you with all the information you need.

Donate to FMFWV: This enables us to offer quality continuing medical education and scholarships to medical students dedicated to family medicine in West Virginia. Each contribution helps shape the future of healthcare in our communities, ensuring a lasting impact.

Annual Conference: Our conference is a highlight event, bringing together family medicine experts from across the state and beyond. If you're interested in attending, presenting, or learning more about this enriching experience, we're here to assist you.

Becoming a Partner: Partnership with FMFWV means collaborating towards a common goal – enhancing the quality of family healthcare in West Virginia. We welcome healthcare organizations, educational institutions, and other stakeholders who share our vision.

Program Coordinators

Mary Hendershot
Jeff Stevens
Matt Walker

Email Address

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Corporate Partners

CAMC Labworks
Marshall Health
Southern West Virginia Health Systems
WVU Medicine
Valley Health